Creativity as a meditation practice

Did you know that being creative can be a powerful meditation practice?

I have wanted to embrace a meditation practice for several years – and have had a few successful stretches of daily meditation (only when I had amazing accountability partners!) – but it’s a habit I really find hard keeping. My mind wanders incessantly – and my fidgety body desperately wants to get up and start ‘doing’.

And then recently, I was speaking to an expert in breathwork who asked me to think back to the creative activity I loved most as a child. For me, it was creative writing – filling coiled notebooks with handwritten novels, short stories and songs. Her advice: Whenever you find yourself in a situation where meditation would be a beneficial activity, write. That’s your meditation!

I was thrilled, and also wanted to learn more – which soon had me down a google rabbit hole, uncovering a ton of support for this idea.

As explained in the following article (see link below): “Creative expression is a practice in mindfulness where you are in the present moment. It is no wonder that the science-proven benefits of creativity overlap with the science-proven benefits of mindfulness."

"Being creative can increase positive emotions, reduce depressive symptoms and anxiety, and improve the function of our immune systems. The same health benefits can be attributed to the practice of mindfulness.” The article also goes on to explain the link between creative expression and physical health, as well as with finding one's life purpose.

So, if you're seeking some of the benefits of a mindfulness practice, or feel it might be time to share some of your unique creative gifts with the world... Is there a creative hobby you’d love to rediscover or have always wanted to try? Maybe now is the time!


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